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Tensegrity in the human body

Tensegrity, a term coined from the combination of "tension" and "integrity," is a fundamental architectural principle that provides a captivating model for understanding the intricate interactions within the human body, specifically in the context of the fascial system.

While it might seem surprising, the way your body functions, bears remarkable similarities to a tensegrity structure, illustrating a delicate balance between tension and compression that underlies our very existence.

To truly grasp the concept of tensegrity, a tensegrity model visually demonstrates how our fascia and other internal structures respond to injuries or external forces.

When you press down on one of these models, composed of disconnected rods (akin to our bones) held together in a three-dimensional configuration by elastic cords (analogous to our muscles and fascia), you observe that the model distorts globally.

This observation in the context of the human body is significant because it parallels the concept of tensegrity.

Our body operates on the principle of tensegrity, which maintains a balance between tension and compression throughout.

The fascial continuity in the body acts as an adjustable tensegrity around the skeleton, with bones as the struts pushing out against the restraining “rubber bands”.


1. Continuous Tension: Fascia serves as a continuous tension network, enveloping and connecting various body parts. This interconnected web supports the body's structure and allows it to move effectively.

2. Compression Elements:

In this system, bones, muscles, and other tissues function as compression elements.

They provide structural support and counteract the tension exerted by the fascia, maintaining the body's shape.

3. Adaptability: Tensegrity enables the body to adapt to changes in posture, movement, and external forces. It distributes stress evenly, reducing the risk of localized injuries.

4. Force Distribution: The fascial tensegrity system ensures that forces generated by muscle contractions are efficiently transmitted throughout the body, preventing concentrated stress and minimizing the risk of injury.

Research into fascia has revealed how it operates as a distributive network within the body. This suggests that the human body functions as a tensegrity structure, responding to strain and stress in a similar manner.

This concept challenges conventional approaches to pain management and injury rehabilitation. Understanding the tensegrity nature of the body can revolutionize how we approach health and wellness.


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